Yes. She moves in her own way by the Kooks. Udah janji kalo this end of june gue bakal move on. Udah capek sama semuanya. Udah capek ngejar lo yang gatau sampe kapan begini terus. Udah capek nungguin lo bales. Udah capek digantungin. Udah capek sama kebegoan lo yang jelas jelas udah jelas gue itu suka sama lo bahkan sampe lo diajak ngobrol sama temen gue supaya jadi. Udah capek sama every negative thoughts about you everyday. Udak capek mikirin lo. Udah capek.
Iya, mungkin lo terlalu baik. Lo yang terlalu baik sama semua cewe mungkin. Lo yang cuma mencari pelarian. Lo yang mungkin masih nginget ex-lo. Lo yang terlalu banyak acara&urusan yang gajelas yang gue gak ngerti juga. Lo yang udah buat gue jatuh cinta sebegitunya. Like I would stuck forever on you.
We're never meant to be, I think. I'm too selfish&you're too careless. I'm too agressive&you're too passive. Yeah, God gives me deadline of loving you. &maybe you're not mine. "Let him go. If he is back he's yours but if he is not, God will give the right guy soon." But, just so you know I will never regret for loving you, you're a kind person&your smile is so deadly beautiful. Oh, may God bless your life. &thanks for all the memories you gave, have a great life soon after you're moving to that country on August. I have one month to prepare all:) hope you don't forget me then.